[Mailmunge] Mailmunge 3.10 is Released

Dianne Skoll dianne at skollsoft.com
Fri Oct 21 13:40:46 EDT 2022


I'm pleased to announce that Mailmunge 3.10 has been released.

Download:      https://www.mailmunge.org/download/
Git:           https://git.skoll.ca/Skollsoft-Public/mailmunge
Alternate Git: https://salsa.debian.org/dskoll/mailmunge
News page:     https://www.mailmunge.org/news/

This release is a minor bug-fix release only.  Full changelog is below.



2022-10-21 Dianne Skoll <dianne at skollsoft.com>

	* Mailmunge 3.10

	* Minor documentation improvements

	* rm_r.c: Remove dead code

	* mailmunge: Print embedded Perl version if invoked with `prcap`

	* mailmunge.spec: Point source URL to mailmunge.org instead of

	* mailmunge, mailmunge-multiplexor, mm-mx-ctrl: Wrap the read()
	  system call so we automatically restart in the face of EINTR.
	  Older versions of mailmunge may not have properly drained
	  stderr when a worker process exits.

2022-07-04 Dianne Skoll <dianne at skollsoft.com>

	* Mailmunge 3.09

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